Gloryland Donations XOXO

Erin Rae / Photography and Gloryland staff envision a school from daycare to 7th Grade that not only provides an academic curriculum, but also a food program, well-trained and professional staff, and an environment where all 233 students have access to health care, textbooks and supplies. Erin Rae. Photography leads volunteer trips to Gloryland yearly to work with them.

  • 300+ New books for every subject, classroom, child & teacher
  • 2 brand new classrooms
  • Newly painted chalkboards & wall designs
  • New wooden school desks
  • Bathrooms built
  • School Picture day
  • Organized lesson plans for 2017 school year
  • Gloryland Students now have Pen Pals from Minnesota

Every Erin Rae / Photography session and wedding makes a difference around the world.